Today’s story is from a well known baseball player who has recently come out with his book, “Baseball Junkie”.
My father was tragically murdered in Abilene, TX when I was 6 years old. It was a very tough time for me as a young man. In order to make me feel better, my mother took me to a Texas Rangers baseball game a short time thereafter. I watched that game with the utmost interest. I sat by the Rangers dugout and couldn’t believe how big and strong these players were. Without a father I looked to these men as heroes.
After the game my mom, baby sister and I gathered into the car for the hour drive back home to Mineral Wells, TX where I grew up. I can’t recall who even won the game, but I do recall that game knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt I wanted to become a major league baseball player! In the car as a 6 year old boy I said my mom, “Mom if you buy me a pitching machine, and a batting cage I will make the major leagues one day. And when I do I will buy you a house and a car.”.
Sure enough about a year later after begging every day, my mom scrounged enough money on a Win-Dixie salary to buy me that cage for Christmas! I made a commitment to myself right then and there that I would come home from school every day and hit at least 200 baseballs. I honored that commitment from 7 years old, until I graduated high school. I was obsessed with my vision. I was obviously a huge Texas Rangers fan, and every ball that was pitched to me all those years I pictured myself hitting a World Series home run down the left field line at Arlington Stadium.
Fast forwarding to 2010 October 31st. I strode to the plate as a San Francisco Giant in the same ballpark I watched my heroes so long ago. It was a feeling of deja vu as I walked up to the batter’s box. With a runner on 2nd and 1 out in the top of the 3rd inning I dug my spikes into the dirt, as I waggled my bat staring down the pitcher. It was an odd feeling as if everything was slowing down. When the pitch was on the way it was almost like slow motion. The ball looked like a beach ball. I swung the bat. Crack! I never felt a thing, as I joyously watched the baseball sail high down the right field line, some 40 rows deep just as I had visualized thousands, and thousands of times as a young man. It was such an unreal moment like a dream as I was rounding the bases.
I remember looking up to the exact section in the second deck where we would come watch the Rangers play. I could feel my past self looking down on me rounding the bases. It was an incredible feeling of accomplishment. We went on to win that game 4-0.
The very next night we won the World Series, ending the Championship drought for the San Francisco Giants that lasted some 54 years.
Since my retirement in 2012 I had floundered in finding passion in my life, even with millions in the bank, a happy family life, and a big house in San Diego, I had struggled mightily with anxiety and depression in recent years. I was so unsatisfied and unhappy.
I began watching motivational videos and books to help me feel better. Nothing worked. I started reading the Bible every day, and my spirit started to lift. I stumbled across a bible verse online from a book called The Secret. The verse was (Mark 11:24) “Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”.
I was curious about this book The Secret, so I ordered it. I read the entire thing in 2 days. I saw there was a movie out and I bought that too. I watched it nightly for a week. Something inside me lit up. I began thinking happy thoughts, and a vision for a bright future. I began feeling better almost instantly. Within weeks I kept having this vision of writing a book about my journey. I kept visualizing my book being out and inspiring thousands. I even visualized it being on the NY Times bestseller list.
I am happy to announce to you my book, “Baseball Junkie” just released a couple months ago, and although it’s not a New York Times bestseller yet, I have every belief it will be.
I’m so thankful that I found The Secret, and my faith in God helped me overcome my anxiety and depression. I now have the utmost confidence in myself that I can do and be anything I want in this life.
You know it’s funny, I was using The Secret the whole time when I was a young man and never even knew it. Visualizing being a Major League baseball player and hitting that World Series homer. And yes, when I made it to the big leagues I did buy my Mom that house and car. I thank God every day for my new life and for The Secret.
Author: Aubrey Huff from San Diego, Ca
About the Author: I played 13 years in Major League Baseball, having won 2 World Series with the San Francisco Giants. I am now 40 years old, retired since 2012. I am married to a gorgeous, supportive woman and have 2 healthy, happy boys.