Success Story: What You Put Out Is What You Receive Back

Today’s LOA success story shows you how gratitude and faith can get you a happy and content life.

I just want to thank you so much for sharing The Secret. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

About 3 years ago I went through a bad stage in my life and suffered from panic attacks caused from anxiety and always worrying about my health and financial state. This ended up putting me in hospital at one stage.

My mum passed on the book The Secret to me which had been given as a gift to her from a close friend. So I started reading and I have never been much of a reader and I didn’t finish the book, but from what I did read, it helped me get back on track and I thought nothing more of it.

Fast forward 4 years and once again I found myself in a state of worry and sadness with my partner asking why, and I don’t really know why. To my surprise my mum hands me The Secret again, and this time I read it cover to cover with my full attention. I never took note of all the great things in my life and not only that, I didn’t give thanks for them! I did not notice how many negative thoughts and subjects that I was allowing to enter my mind each day until I read The Secret.

Now my life is changing every day. I may not be rich with money yet, although I will be. I am rich in many other ways with gratitude and love for all the great people and things I do have in my life now. Things can only continue to get better. I wake up every day excited about what great things are coming my way, big or small. My worries are no longer, because “What you put out is what you receive back”.

Once again, thank you Rhonda, for showing that there is more to life than meets the eye and we are the creators of our own life! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Author: Ryan C from Perth Western Australia
About the Author: 28 year old male who was alway negative and worried about the future.

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