Success Story: A Beautiful Garden With the Law of Attraction

The author of today’s success story, narrates how they used the law of attraction to build a beautiful garden for them.

Thank you to Rhonda and her team for sharing The Secret and other books with the world. After watching and reading The Secret and also The Power and The Magic, many positive and wonderful things have come into my life such as meeting my soul mate, money, a place in my dream Master’s Program at my dream university and even my perfect dog. All these things I attracted into my life through using The Secret. The story I want to share with you today may seem ‘small’ in comparison but it’s the one that really clicked with me about how the law of attraction works.

Currently my soul mate and I live in a small rented house in North England. I know we will both attract a bigger house that we will own ourselves but for now we are practicing being grateful and happy with what we have. One of our favorite spaces in the house is the garden. When my partner moved in it was nothing but dirt and weeds so he put down stone flags, bought plants and put up fences. When I moved in with him I was amazed at what he had done. A year later the garden is blossoming but 2 weeks ago we both said we’d love more plants and especially some stone garden ornaments to really make it a special place where we could relax. Now at present we don’t have much spare cash as I am saving for the final year of my Master’s Degree and my soul mate just bought and renovated a campervan for us both, which was another manifestation, but we didn’t worry about how it would come, we just talked about how we’d love to have ornaments in our garden.

Over the past 2 weeks we have attracted over £200 worth of beautiful ornaments, planting troughs and plants and they just keep coming. The best thing is we didn’t spend time hunting around or figuring out how we’d get them. All these gifts arrived on our doorstep, sometimes literally! Only this morning someone, we don’t know who yet, left two gorgeous terracotta pots filled with plants outside our front door. Yesterday my partner went to help his father collect something from a house clearance and they were throwing out two Victorian stone garden statues and ornate plant pots. He asked if he could take them and of course the person said yes. Family members have bought us solar lights and garden wall plaques out of the blue. I went to buy some flowers this morning for the pots and every item I went to buy was half price or less.

So now we have the most beautiful garden that’s full of lush colorful plants and beautiful ornaments and is the loveliest most tranquil space to relax. It all flowed so easily and joyfully it made me wonder why this hasn’t happened in other areas of my life (yet!). So I began to look at what we did:

  1. We only gave good feelings towards our garden. We talked about how lovely it already was, what a lovely space to relax in etc.
    2. We were grateful for what we had and showed this not only in our feelings but in our actions by making the best of our garden as it was and caring for it.
    3. We took positive actions, buying the plants and items we could afford and doing what we could to make it a beautiful space. It’s like the old saying “God (or universe) helps those who help themselves.”.
    4. Super important and the thing that’s probably prevented a lot of the ‘bigger’ things we’ve asked for from coming yet: We detached completely from the ‘how’. All we said was how we’d love our garden to be, instead of figuring out ‘how’ it would get that way.

Now I’m using what we’ve learned to manifest other things in my life. I hope this helps.

Author: Lauren B from England
About the author: I am an artist and writer who’s life gets better every day thanks to using and applying The Secret.

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