So as the main provider to my family, I have always been proud to be able to celebrate my sister’s birthday by taking her away on a much needed vacation or throwing her a nice party. This year I lost my job at the end of September so any expenses that were not necessary were out of the question. Last week I decided that my sister deserved a birthday celebration since she has been carrying all of the weight around. There was no way that I financially could afford this but regardless, I asked where she wanted to spend her special day. I told her I had it all figured out. She was reluctant at first but gave in. I decided to thank the Universe for the abundance coming my way and for my sister’s great birthday.
I am a firm believer of The Secret but I never say it out loud. This time I gave thanks to everything I had and everything coming my way, including for my sister’s great day. I said it out loud as I drove home from buying groceries.
So here we are with a group of friends celebrating at an upscale club. I am sitting here just being thankful for our friends and family attending and for my sister having a great time. The waitress comes over and says I have a surprise for you. All of a sudden she brings us extra bottles and tells us to order whatever we want and that the bill has been taken care of! I asked her who paid for it and she mentions an old friend who we have not seen in years. He saw a picture of us on social media and called and asked to take care of our bill for us!!
I am so thankful to the Universe for putting this in our friend’s heart. All you have to do is declare abundance and it will come. Thanks Universe!