LOA Success Story: Dream Life With the Law of Attraction

In today’s Law of attraction success story the author describes how she used the vision board to make her life perfect. With simple practices like gratitude and strong faith you can manifest the perfect life that you have always dreamt of.

I don’t really know how I came to find out about The Secret but I did. That was about 7 years ago and it has changed my life. All I can say is thank you, thank you, thank you to God and the Universe for these amazing things that have transpired in my life and to Rhonda for sharing The Secret with the world! I manifested my soul mate, my perfect wedding, my two beautiful children, and my perfect family home.

I was just getting out of a relationship that wasn’t right for me. I am sure many of you know that it’s hard to just break free once and for all, so it just lingered. I read The Secret, made my first vision board and went on a life changing trip of self-discovery. I met my soul mate exactly one month later.

On my first vision board, I also taped pictures of what my ideal wedding would look like and where it would be, right next to asking for my soul mate. I completely forgot about it but about a year ago I found it cleaning out my storage unit. I saw that I envisioned having my wedding at this expensive museum in our downtown area, and that is exactly where our wedding took place!

My beautiful children! I have always wanted twins and twins did not necessarily run in our family. I always said I wanted boy and a girl twins. I wrote it down, I envisioned it, I bought boy and girl baby clothes even before I was pregnant, and I felt it to be true. My husband and I had a hard time getting pregnant on our own because of my health issues, and honestly it was a miracle in and of itself to even be able to have biological children using my own eggs. We ended up doing IVF to get pregnant and the Dr. told us it was a long shot but he was going to do everything to help us get pregnant. We did get pregnant, with twins, and our Dr cried at our 10-week visit because he couldn’t believe what a miracle is was that I was pregnant, let alone with twins! I also asked for a perfect pregnancy. I didn’t have one day of morning sickness and had a smooth pregnancy all the way up until a week before delivery! I am grateful and happy and blessed to say I have 2-year-old perfectly healthy boy/girl twins.

We lived in a 2-bedroom townhouse on the 2nd floor and I knew once our twins were born it be very tough to continue living there. One of my more recent vision boards from about 2 1/2 years ago had a very specific goal in mind; A new family home, one story with a big backyard, close to my parents and with a mango tree in the backyard thrown in for fun! A year ago in March, we closed on our family home, it was on the market one day! I happened to see it online and told our realtor I desperately wanted to see it in person. We loved it and made an offer the same day it was on the market. And we originally didn’t even think to look in that neighborhood because the home prices in there were out of our price range. This house, though, was priced to sell because it was owned by an elderly couple who had already moved up north. It is one story, super close to my parents with a decent size backyard for houses in our area. And guess what? About 2 weeks after moving in, our new landscaper was here and told me I had a mango tree on the side of the house that I had no idea about!

I have just made my new vision board and the next thing on my list is a lottery win! I am so thankful to say that God and the Universe has sent me everything I have asked for and I am blessed beyond belief!

Author: Rebeca from South Florida, USA
About the Author: Grateful for everything in my life! Love my family!
Source: https://www.thesecret.tv/stories/amazing-manifestations/