Success Story: Happiness by Following the Law of Attraction

In today’s story, the author describes how the law of attraction has changed her life. She has been able to manifest the best things in her life since she started applying the law of attraction. She has total faith in the Universe and whatever she asks for is given to her.

It has been 7 years that I have known about The Secret now. I have researched and read so much on the law of attraction that maybe one day I might even come up with my own book on the LOA! Credits: Rhonda Byrne. I have achieved a lot in my life using the LOA, or to be precise, I would say achieved the good and the best things.

  1. Best Grades.
  2. Amazing Jobs.
  3. Hosting Events. Compering shows that I wanted to do.
  4. Improving my relationship with my mother, which had been going downhill.

That was just to name a few and there is so much more!

I was finally awaiting a designation in the organization with, of course, an increment. The interview happened and I goofed it up big time. But I kept on affirming all that time that I was selected for that position with an increment of Rs. 10,000. And as the Universe says, your wish is my command. I got selected among 6 other candidates who definitely did a better job at the interview than me. I got the job along with an increment of Rs. 10,000!

I only would like to say to keep your faith, do not waver and just pray. Be positive. Life is beautiful. Thank you Rhonda Byrne for The Secret.
