Success Story: Found Long Lost Sisters With The Law of Attraction

In today’s story the author describes how she used the law of attraction to find her sisters who had separated from her about 29 years back.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you to Rhonda and The Secret team!!!!!! I learned about The Secret for the first time when I was 17. I was in continuation school and one of our teachers showed us the movie. She risked her job to show us this wonderful lesson because she did not get approved to show it. Unfortunately I did not give it the attention I should have at that time! But it was always there in the back of my mind.

Later on in my years The Secret kept coming up to me in different situations. Whether it was through friends, co-workers or internet sites, it always seemed to pop up at the lowest points of my life. I finally purchased The Secret, The Power, The Magic and The Secret Daily Teachings App. I tend to go back and forth but every time I stop applying The Secret to my life I see a huge difference. Then when I start again, everything changes for the better!

Long story short, I am 26 years old. Before I was born my mother had twin girls that were 3 years older than me. They’re father stole them from my mother when they were 1 year old. My mom has been searching for them ever since! I decided to apply The Secret to find my sisters.

And, after only 1 week I found them!!!!!!

I can not even explain the happiness and joy my family is going through! Everyone tells us that they thought this stuff only happened in the movies!!! Well I am here to say it does not! The Secret gave me and especially my mother, a huge part of our lives that was always missing!!! They live 6 hours away and in only 8 days we will be reunited and I will be meeting them for the first time!!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you to Rhonda, The Secret team and the Universe!!!! I can not put into words how grateful I am!!!! For anyone out there finding it hard to apply The Secret, never give up!!! It was very hard for me to stay focused on applying it but after realizing how drastically it changed my life for the better it is not hard at all now!!! Never lose faith!!

Author: Marisol M. from Los Angeles, CA, USA.
About the Author: Love to explore and enjoy the beauty of life!