Success Story: Attracting Scholarship Money With The Secret & LOA

Paying for higher education is one of the hurdles many students come across. In today’s story the author narrates how the law of attraction helped him with a scholarship which he needed for his higher studies.

First of all, I would like to thank everyone who made The Secret! In our country it is very difficult to survive for students who take higher education who aren’t under any type of so called “Category Reservation”. Paying Fees in for a general category student is much more difficult and that is the situation for me. And now the rules have changed. I was getting 50% of my paid fees in return from the government! But I was not really sure because the main document which was needed was not there, so I started applying The Secret to get my fees back.

Yesterday I got a message that I had received 14,997 rupees in my bank account! Though it didn’t contain all my fees in return, as I wanted Rs. 20,000, but it is better to have something than nothing! I had many obstacles while getting my fee in return, but I still had patience and a lot of faith in God and the Universe and was and am so grateful to The Secret!

Thank you so much to The Secret team. I had been wishing to write my story here and thankfully today is that day, yay! Soon, I will be writing my next story here. Thank you once again!!
