Success Story: Getting a Perfect Violin Teacher With The LOA

If you are trying to learn an art or hobby, with no one to guide you; this is the right story for you.

Today’s story will show you how you can attract a perfect teacher into your life.

A month ago I was not even aware of The Secret. Life was normal and everything was good. I am an engineer and a working professional. I play violin in my free time and I also play games and hangout with friends. I was aware about the concept of the power of mind but I was never serious regarding it.

I needed a good violin teacher and for the last six months and I had been not so positive about the whole thing. And because of that, I was unable to find a good teacher. I decided to change and be more positive regarding life.

So for 2 or 3 days I kept saying to myself that I would stay positive. Then one day in the evening, I was with my family having a tea and we started discussing about the power of mind and all. Then while discussing it, my sister-in-law mentioned about The Secret book. She said that she had read it and works for her always. I was curious about The Secret and I ordered the book within a week or so.

I am reading this amazing book now and it says “Like attracts like” which explains to me how I actually attracted The Secret. The book explains about “Ask, Believe and Receive”. So I realized that I had asked for a good violin mentor and believed that within a week I would find one. And to my surprise, I found one and I have already started taking lessons!

After reading The Secret and stories here, one thing that comes to my mind is to keep calm and stay positive.
