Success Story: Making the Government Work Your Way With the Law of Attraction

Ever thought of changing some government policies that would benefit your community? You will be really happy after reading today’s success story which shows just that. If you have faith and a community which is working towards a common positive goal you can even get the government to change the policy.

The Indian Railway Ministry started the Pune Ernakulam (via Panvel) Superfast Express train no. 22149/22150 on Oct. 2010. They had not provided a halt for this train at Karwar, which is a district headquarter.

There are more than 10,000 Karwar families staying in Pune to earn their daily bread and butter but there was no proper transportation facility to travel from Pune to Karwar. The Pune Ernakulam (via Panvel) Superfast Express train was the best transportation mode but there was no stop at Karwar which was quite inconvenient.

For the last 6 years many people tried to get a stop or halt sanctioned at Karwar for this train but there was no positive hope from anyone. This process was totally going on in vain.

After listening to various facts from “The Secret” we “Kshatriya Komarpanth Samaj” decided to take up this challenge and apply various learnings from “The Secret”.

We started this mission on 26 Jan 2016 on our Republic Day and collected a huge amount of data for a presentation. We met with various concerned authorities and the law of attraction really worked.

Finally the Railway Ministry gave us the halt approval for this train, effective from 16 Aug 2016 on our Independence day.

Now, thousands of Pune residing people can visit Karwar using this train. Ladies can travel during maternity period and patients and senior citizens can make the best use of this train.

This is a great achievement for our “Kshatriya Komarapanth Samaj”. The learning from The Secret can really do miracles.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Author: Rahul Naik from India
About the Author: My name is Rahul Suresh Naik. I am an Industrial Engineer by profession with 15 years of experience.