The Secret Success Story: Never Give Up!

I’ve always wanted to write my story here. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you to Rhonda, her team, to God and to the Universe!

After 6 1/2 years, my relationship with my first ever love was finally over! I knew from the very start of the relationship he was probably not the best person for me, but being the person that I am, I stuck at keeping the relationship together, even at times when it was against everything I believed in. Deep down I knew I deserved better but for a long time I couldn’t let go of fear.

For the first few months of the breakup in I was doing OK. I was sad but I really thought I would be OK. Until one day it all hit me! I fell into deep depression which included bad anxiety and panic attacks. I felt like everything in my life had fallen apart and no matter how much or how hard I tried, I couldn’t fix any of it. I just didn’t care for anything anymore, I just wanted to be alone and die.

It was at the very edge of wanting to give up that I turned to The Secret. I don’t know why but I felt maybe one last time if I used The Secret to truly believe in being healed and living a healthy beautiful life with the man of my dreams, it would all come true. That night lying in bed, I did just that! I imagined all the beautiful things I could want in life, friendships, a new man, a baby, a new well-paying job, a beautiful home, everything! It felt so real that I even shed a tear out of true thankfulness.

The very next day I began my road to recovery. I started seeing a physiotherapist who helped me to get over my depression and start to feel good about life again. I started to get invites from friends and family to attend dinners and birthday parties. I then decided on a date to move overseas close to my college friend. She then called me a few weeks before I was moving and said she had a job for me and I could start as soon as I arrived. A few weeks after arriving overseas I met the man of my dreams. We are now together and he is so good to me and treats me so well!

My main reason for writing here was to hopefully give someone out there a little bit of hope and faith to keep going. Rock bottom can feel like the darkest place on earth but it can also be the turning point in your life. Please don’t give up for that is just the time and place that magic will happen

I hoped my story helped.

Author: Sarah
