Success Story: Got What I Thought About Without Wishing For It

Hello, this is my first post and this story is not unlike other stories I have that have happened the same way. Today is Christmas and my brother bought me dumbbells. I have been thinking about working out for some time now but for the past few weeks I have been thinking about my arms and how they were week and flimsy. I think back now for the past 2 weeks that I would think about lifting weights to get stronger and bigger. Here’s the thing though – I never set the intention. What I mean is I never “wished” for me to receive any weights.

This is like one of those things that someone could pass of as a coincidence but you all and I know better. I would think about them and about using them but now here they are in my room as I type this. I am ready to get back to it. After the depression I have been going through since summer till now, I take this as a sign to get stronger, not just physically but also spiritually and finally get to where I want to be.

The Universe really does speak back to you. It’s not just some reactive thing but also active and alive.

This has happened before with other stories, all within the last year. I will post them later on but for now just know that this works.

Thanks to you all. Keep at it and blessings to each and every one of you.

Author: Veshal, South Florida, USA

About the Author: I’m 24 and ready to start getting into the flow of the Universe.
