Hello everyone,
I thank Rhonda and her team for sharing the knowledge with the world. It has helped me in numerous ways. It’s a sunny day in Amsterdam. I am writing this near a canal where a musician is playing trumpet and entertaining the people. So much abundance! I am so happy.
In my school days, I always wanted to be physically fit and strong. My body was always good, however, negativity creeped in. It hurt me and I looked down at myself. I am so glad to say that today I have a high self-esteem and immensely love myself. I accepted how I am and then the change began. I experimented and exercised. Today, it is a way of living my life.
I thought it would be nice to have well defined abs. I told people about it and they rationalized my goal. I knew I would have it and deserved to own those abs. I did intense core exercises for about 4 months. I am lucky the way my body is designed. I can eat whatever I want and still look fit always. So, the diet was not really necessary for me. I have followed a healthy diet from my childhood. Most important, I love exercising. So now I have abs and I am in great shape. I feel excited and it inspires so many people to work out. It feels nice.
You can have a look at this Instagram Picture:
I am posting the link to show you that you can get exactly what you want.
It does blow my mind to look at it even now because once it was just a wish. I hope this story motivates you. I am so grateful to be fit and in good shape.
Thank you for reading my story.
Author: Caroline from Amsterdam.
About the Author: I am a positive person with great energy. I succeed in everything I do and am grateful for the life I have today.
Source: http://www.thesecret.tv/stories/abs/