Success Story: Grateful For One And Envisioning Two

I am posting this for any woman struggling to have a baby. I truly believe The Secret and vision boards helped me to complete my family.

A few years ago, I struggled to get pregnant with my second child. Eighteen months after having a perfect first pregnancy with my daughter, I began having miscarriage after miscarriage in the attempt to have baby number 2. A total of 6 early miscarriages over the span of 3½ years. In between there were long stretches of infertile months and lots of self-blame and doubt.

Getting pregnant consumed me month after month, and day after day. I began to focus on my body not working right. Visits to infertility doctors only dampened my spirits more because the doctors pointed to my age and what was no longer working. I started to believe it would never happen.

We didn’t have the funds to try any advanced reproductive techniques like IVF, so I began to let the idea of having that second child go. However at the same time, I started being grateful for the one beautiful child I’d been blessed with, and said so daily in my prayers. This was before I knew about The Secret.

Not long after I started being grateful, things began to change. My employer was purchased by a global corporation that offered health insurance with a little bit of coverage for IVF treatment. As part of that plan I had to switch to a new doctor, but he was so encouraging and made me feel like I really could have that second baby.

While waiting through months of testing and for the perfect condition to start the actual process of IVF, I noticed someone on one of the baby web boards recommended The Secret in a post. I immediately checked out both the movie and the book. I loved the idea of a vision board and decided to, at the very least, find a picture of a cute baby on the Internet and print it to hang over my desk so I could see it daily. I purposely looked for a baby that matched our family in looks and didn’t pay too much attention as to whether it was a boy or a girl baby. I just wanted a picture of a baby who looked like us so it would be easier to envision.

A few months later, I went through with the IVF procedure. I didn’t do so well with the medication and at transfer time, I only had one viable egg to use for the fertilization process. On transfer day, the IVF nurse handed me a picture of my nearly perfect, Grade A, 8-celled embryo. I cried when I saw it. I had never seen anything so small and so amazing. I knew it was a long shot because I’d had so many miscarriages, but I prayed very hard for that embryo after it was transferred back to me, and I continued being grateful for my daughter and all the good things I already had in my life. And while I waited to find out if the pregnancy took, my cute baby printout hung up over my desk staring back at me.

Two weeks after the procedure, I had a positive pregnancy test and my doctor called me to rave about the blood work numbers. He was sure this baby was going to stick around. And much to my amazement, this little baby did hang around.

My healthy, happy son was born 9 months later!

The next few months were whirl-wind for our family. We bought and moved to a new home shortly after he was born. I unpacked a box of things a few months later and found the picture of the cute baby I had printed out. When I saw it again I was stunned. That baby looked so much like my son does now at 15 months of age. I was blown away at the vision board’s accuracy.

So that is why I truly believe in The Secret and for being grateful and envisioning what you want. It works.

That is my story and I hope it helps someone else.

Author: Allison from COral Springs, FL

About the Author: I am a working mom with two children, two dogs, a cat and a wonderful husband. I was born and raised in Florida, USA and I love reading, watching movies, and going to theater performances.
