An Author’s Life Changing Experience With Law of Attraction

I was a single parent for over 20 years. As a single parent, finances were always a stressful area of my life. I rarely traveled anywhere, nor was I a home-owner. I rented for a long time. One of my greatest desires and promises to myself was that one day I would travel to the UK. I’d never left North America before. I wanted my first trip abroad to be to London, UK. I also wanted to be a home-owner, and I wanted to feel a sense of financial comfort and ease in my life. But, for many years, I saw no way this could ever happen for me.

In addition to these common desires that many people share, it was also always my dream to become a bestselling author. I had self-published three books by the time my son finished grade twelve; but they weren’t selling as well as I had hoped they would.

I first came across The Secret in early 2007. I loved it because it inspired me and gave me hope that I could improve my situation once and for all. (It is also what inspired me to write my second book.) Following that, I bought The Power and then The Magic, and I began focusing on what I love and on practicing gratitude every single day. I started watching subliminal videos and listening to subliminal tapes to help me reach my very core, so that I could really infuse my subconscious thoughts and beliefs with these new messages of love and gratitude and personal empowerment. Another thing I did was watch Rhonda’s videos The Secret to Riches, The Secret to You, and Planet Earth Forever at least once daily for several weeks straight. I really wanted to saturate my body, mind, and spirit with love, gratitude, and the belief that I could improve my life. Something in me knew repetition was the key … just keep reading these books, keep practicing gratitude, keep watching these videos, keep strengthening my belief.

Long story short, it worked. It still brings me to tears, sometimes, when I think about just how well it worked for me.

I really increased the intensity of my gratitude and visualization exercises in September 2013, around the time I published my fourth book. I began doing my exercises twice a day, first thing when I woke up every morning and last thing before I fell asleep every night for 30 days straight. The result? From November 2013 through to July 2014, the following amazing improvements happened in my life:

– My fourth book was listed as a bestseller on Amazon Canada in November 2013.

– In December 2013, that same book was also listed as a bestseller in the Calgary Herald online.

– My son graduated from university that December, got the job he wanted at the company he wanted to work for, and moved into his own home. What a wonderful additional reward to see him so healthy, happy, and successful in his own life.

– The annual income at my full-time job increased by $35,000 that year, and I also earned additional income through my sideline business as a book publisher and author.

– I was approved for a mortgage in December, bought myself a brand new condo with many luxuries (safe and secure underground parking being one of them), and moved in.

– I booked myself a trip to visit London and Paris which was on credit card and would be paid off within six months due to my increase in income.

– I gave my son all my old furniture and was able to easily afford to buy myself new furniture for my new condo, which was to be financed over three years.

– I bought myself a new jeep, which was to be financed over six years.

– I was also FINALLY able to afford to pay back my two brothers and one of my cousins for money they had lent to me years ago when I’d been in a rough financial spot. (GOD, that felt good—to hand them each a cheque along with a heartfelt THANK YOU.) I was finally free of the emotional burden of this personal debt that I had carried in my heart for years! It’s not that they had ever made me feel bad about it. Quite the contrary. But it felt like a burden to me. I had always planned to pay them back.

Needless to say, things were going so well for me on so many fronts. I was overwhelmed with gratitude and joy … which seemed to attract even more things to feel grateful and joyful about. More good news followed. More money followed. It was absolutely amazing.

In March 2014, my mother won $1.15 million in a lottery! I was so excited for her! All of us were! Of course, my very generous mother shared part of her earnings with her children and other family members which completely paid off my remaining debts including the trip to London and Paris, the new jeep, the new furniture, everything! I was completely debt free (other than the mortgage on my new condo) with additional savings put away and even more spending money at my disposal than I already had due to the salary increase. So, I decided to also take a long-desired trip to New York City in July, too!

What an amazing few months for me between November 2013 and July 2014! Not only did pretty much every single wish I had for myself come true, but even more wonderful things came my way than I could ever have expected. And the best part of it was that I got to see my son and my mom enjoy success and joy in their own lives, too. That was the icing on the cake, for sure!

My life continues to be so fulfilling to this day. I continue to earn a great living and travel. I continue to have a wonderful relationship with my son and watch him have success in his own life, too. It’s wonderful. I also continue to have increased success as a bestselling author, book publisher, and sales coach for other authors. Life is sweet.

I’m a firm believer in the power of gratitude, the power of love, and the truth of Rhonda’s messages in each of her books. I’m so grateful to you, Rhonda. You have helped me to change my life for the better. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Kind regards,

Kim Staflund

About the Author: I was a single parent for 20 years. As a single parent, finances were always a stressful area of my life. I never traveled anywhere, nor was I a home-owner. I rented for a long time. One of my greatest desires and promises to myself was that one day I would travel to the UK. I’d never left North America before. I wanted my first trip abroad to be to London, UK. I also wanted to be a home-owner, and I wanted to feel a sense of financial comfort and ease in my life.
