Success Story: The Secret Has Changed Our Lives In So Many Ways

In the fall of 2006 our neighbors gave us The Secret. I watched it over and over and saw changes taking place in our life immediately. At work I had more opportunities in a month than I had ever seen in a year. My husband and I were getting along better than ever and our son was thriving with all the positive energy.

In March of 2007 I “asked” for a huge opportunity at work. I am the Director of Business Development for a mid-sized Clinical Research Organization. Within a week we had a request for a proposal for a 30 million dollar program at a large Pharmaceutical company. In 3 weeks we won it!!! This is the single largest close that anyone I have talked to in my industry has ever heard of, and it took my company into their next year for projected revenue. We have bought another home in Kansas City where I am from and we are buying a small place on the beach here in San Diego!! Life is fabulous and more than anything we are so grateful and so blessed. I walk around all day saying “thank you, thank you, thank you”. The blessings keep flowing into our lives and we are living the life we dreamed of. The Secret has changed our lives in so many ways and we thank you.

About Melinda Emig from San Diego, California:

My husband and I live in San Diego. We are happily married and have a 3 year old son Cody. Our life has been good but since we have read and put The Secret into our life it has been amazing.