Woman Cures Her Son Suffering From Life Threatening Peanut Allergy

All I can say each day now is Thank You.

My son was diagnosed with a life threatening allergy to peanuts in Aug. 2006 – no cure or treatments are available. The doctors said we would have to live with it for the rest of our lives.

I knew nothing about food allergies up to this point. Now, I could write a book on the subject. It is a terrifying disease. Even touch and inhalation can cause an anaphylactic reaction. Our life became very restricted in every aspect, and I was feeling total despair.

I had a thought that kept coming to me, what if just by my thoughts I could heal him? Two days later I saw The Secret on Oprah and ordered the movie. Never in my life have I had such a moment of realization. Yes it is true, you can change anything with gratitude and positive attention.

We tested my son bimonthly to see if his blood levels had come down. Each time they dropped in half, until on June 7th 2007 we went to a children’s hospital to have an oral food challenge and he PASSED. 100% Healed. The doctors were amazed.

We know how blessed we truly are and forever grateful for the help and direction of The Secret.

Thank you for my sons healing and for mine.

About Dana from Chico, California:

I am a mother and wife who is blessed with a happy healthy two year old son.