28 Days Of The Magic by Rhonda Byrne: Day 2

I hope you had a magical day 1 by counting your blessings.

On day 2 you count your blessing and read the chapter 2 in the morning.

In the chapter 2 you have to find a perfect gratitude rock or Magic rock for you.

You need to carry this magic rock along with you wherever you go and whenever you touch it you need to thank for something.

The rock will keep reminding you to thank for all the good things in your life.

In the night before you sleep you hold the rock in your hand and thank for all the good things that happened to you through out the day.

This will create a right environment for your sleep so that you get up with a positive mood in the morning.

Day 2 of The Magic (book by Rhonda Byrne, the author of The Secret)