How to Improve Relationships With the Law of Attraction

You would often think of changing someone with whom you are in a relationship to something else, so that he or she would be a better person for you. To get a perfect person you would want to change a few things so that you like him or her more.

The fact is trying to change someone is a waste of time. The very thought of changing someone is saying that they are not good enough as they are, and it is soaked with judgment and disapproval. That is not a thought of appreciation or love, and those thoughts will only bring separation between you and that person.

You must look for the good in people to have more of it appear. As you look only for the good things in a person, you will be amazed at what your new focus reveals.

A powerful exercise that you can do to improve your relationships with your near and dear ones is explained in a few step below.

I believe this will help you and improve everything in your relationships.