How to Boost Your Income in Any Business

There is a vast difference between the way rich people think, and the way in which the poor people think. Ok, that’s something that you have heard several time.

It’s actually a very generic statement. What I mean is that if you offer a challenge up to a poor person, they will choose a way to solve it that utilizes their best thinking. If you offer a challenge to a rich person, they will also choose a way to solve the challenge that utilizes their best thinking.

Both types of people have been conditioned throughout their lives to think a certain way. When faced with a challenge, it is only natural to draw upon your past experiences and everything you know to guide you in making the best decision.

Let me show you an example…

Challenge: Find a way to get $100 so you can buy something that will make you hundreds more. (For the rich person, let’s say this number is multiplied and they need to find $100,000, and they need that to make them $1 Million.)

The poor person will go about solving this challenge in a variety of ways. Probably the first thing that comes to mind is that they don’t have an extra $100, and if they did, they would use it to by X (food, clothing, gas, etc.).

The rich person will take a look at the whole picture and see the challenge as an opportunity. The rich person would see the outcome as being the most important thing at that moment, not their current circumstances.

The rich person would say, “Well, if I can come up with the $100,000, I can use it to produce $1 Million. Producing this result will allow me to then find another opportunity to play on an even bigger playing field, and potentially earn multiple millions and change my whole life.”

See, the biggest difference in the way poor people think and the way rich people think is very simple…

Poor people see their circumstances in front of them. They cannot see into the future where they are more successful and make better choices.

Rich people see the future and will do whatever it takes to overcome their circumstances in order to achieve their goals.

Rich people don’t let their circumstances define their outcomes; they only use it as a place to start from. When they see into the future, they see even more opportunity waiting for them and they know it will be worth whatever they have to go through to get to that next level. They will do whatever it takes to reach their goals – nothing will stop them.

So, that is the major difference between rich people and poor people…thanks for playing along with my generalizations!

Now, the question is…

How to you boost your income in any business?


Start thinking like a rich person thinks.

Clearly define your goal, describe every single detail of how you will feel when you achieve this goal. Then, write down 50 different creative ways you could achieve your goal. As you’re brainstorming, you’ll find that one idea spawns another, which spawns another.

When you’ve reached 50 ideas (it’s a lot, I know!) take a step forward in time and really see your future again, clear as day. Give yourself a tight timeline – write the date down. Look at your list of 50 ways to achieve your goal, and choose the most probable way you to reach it.

The next step is CRITICAL.

You must take ACTION right then and there in order to achieve your goal! Winners won’t wait, losers procrastinate. Take responsibility for your future by taking immediate action!

Use this exercise in any business, anytime, anyplace, to boost your income. Making a mental mind shift is by far the fastest, surest way to achieve positive results for yourself.

Once you can start thinking more like a person coming from an abundant life, the more successful you’ll start to be. It doesn’t happen overnight, but take action every day toward changing your thinking and eventually, you’ll do it.

And remember, you don’t know what you don’t know. So do not hesitate to learn.