5 Powerful Creative Visualization Tips for Transforming Your Life

Creative visualization activates the law of attraction. By imagining things or circumstances as you would like them to be, and making them real in your mind, you’re actually planting a seed that is sure to sprout.
The movie “The Secret” introduced the law of attraction to millions of people all over the world. But the law of attraction and the concept of visualization are nothing new. In fact, this great law has always been available. Early self-help authors exposed visualization as the tool to get the law of attraction working for you. Norman Vincent Peale, for example, called it “Positive Imaging”. In fact, that was the title of one of his numerous books.

Visualization is a precious tool. It’s something that is available to all at any time, in any location. And it doesn’t cost a dime. Perhaps that’s why so few value it and use this powerful tool of creation consciously and on a regular basis.

Below are 5 creative visualization tips to help you to recognize and capitalize on your own unlimited powers to create.

1. Choose your goals carefully. Whatever you want can be yours through your thinking, feelings and actions. Decide on something you will commit to having, being or doing in your life. Manifestation doesn’t usually happen overnight. It takes persistence. If what you’re shooting for doesn’t turn you on, chances are you won’t stay with it long enough.

2. Create an image of your desire. Stick to a single target and expand, refine and enlarge the mental picture. It’s the details that help bring your desire to life.

3. Keep it to yourself. Don’t tell anyone else about what you want or how you’re going about creating it. Letting it leak out weakens the energy and leaves you open to negative questions and comments. Get what you want first and then you can tell whoever you want about it.

4. Add emotion to your visualization. Make it so real you can taste it. Put yourself in the picture, fully enjoying the rewards you envision. Lock in those positive feelings so you can relive them again and again.

5. Combine creative visualization with positive affirmations. Affirmations help recondition your old way of thinking, freeing yourself from limitations and allowing you to soar like an eagle. When used together, they provide an explosive combination.

These five creative visualization tips will help you make the most of any visualization session. They’ll add fuel to the burning desire deep inside you. And they’ll help you manifest all you can imagine in life.

The simple process of visualization works. I’ve seen it firsthand and I live it daily. Use these simple creative visualization tips and they will help you get wherever you want to go that much sooner.